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Find A Coffee Professional To Purchase Coffee From
Please read the following information:
This section is for businesses who are interesting in buying Infrared Roasted Coffee in bulk or wholesale. Qualifying business include coffee shops and restaurants, businesses who already sell bagged or k-cupped coffee, and businesses who want to serve coffee to their employees and customers within their brick and mortar business establishment.
Fill in the form below and one of our team members will contact you within 2 business days.
Join the coffee REDvolution!
Selling Unique Coffees Since 2016
Our team is responsible for two first to market coffees that have created massive opportunity.
No Competition
We are the only infrared roasted coffee with the functional nutrition of the coffee fruit.
Powerful Tools
We provide all tools for affiliates, including management of inventory, finance, & strategic partnerships.

Business Details
704 S. State Road 135
Suite D, #399
Greenwood, IN 416143
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed
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